Hana Tapiata is a lifestyle blogger living by indigenous philosophies and mātauranga Māori. Her passion is promoting tūpuna mātauranga in as many different mediums, and on as many different platforms, as possible.
With a combined online following of more than 20,000, this self-published author believes that if you know yourself, and your whakapapa intimately, nothing will stop you living into your potential.
In this episode we talk about rugby, and rock lifting. About Tahiti’s ancestral games and, about becoming a self-published author. We learn how to adapt ancient knowledge into a modern context and, how to connect with tūpuna and atua, to interperet their pūrākau, their legends and stories, to help guide our lives.
I tore the ligament off my bone in my shoulder. Within a week I was no longer Hana the rugby player, or Hana ‘good at her job’, I was just Hana, and I didn’t know what that meant.
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