Dr Huhana Hickey (Ngāti Tahinga, Tainui, Ngai Tai) is a Crown Director and a passionate advocate for our disabled community, our whanau hauā.
She has a long standing interest in human rights, particularly the rights of people who come from marginal backgrounds. She often comments on the consequences of discrimination and social oppression.
Of Māori, Navajo, Aboriginal and Sami whakapapa, Huhana was raised in Stratford with a Pākeha adoptive whanau. At birth, her ethnicity was falsified, removing all connections to her indigenous heritage.
In this episode we talk about indigenous disability and where human rights and tikanga Māori intersect. We share korero about Multiple Sclerosis and adress the notion that Māori don’t get MS and, we discuss medical marijuana – its pros, its cons, and its misconceptions.
I used to be on over 100 opiods a day, I’m now on 4ml of medicinal cannabis a day.
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