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//026 Rangimarie Pomare, tumuaki

Rangimarie Pomare is the tumuaki of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tututarakihi in the Far North. 

At only 29, she is transforming the education system by creating a unique kura embedded in tikanga Māori with a goal to actively exercise tino rangatiratanga. Tututarakihi aligns its school term with the maramataka. The curriculum caters to the interests of its tamariki, and the taiao as a core part of the classroom. 

Language, mathematics and science are learnt through diving, fishing, entrepreneurship, farming and other practices that invite community champions to become kaiako, teaching through lived experience. 

In this episode we talk about the status of Te Reo Māori, creating a tikanga-based maori education system, Rangimarie’s dream to build a whare whakairo in Te Tai Tokerau and, and why she advocates for a 4 day working week for a better well-being for whānau. 

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