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//032 Honey Hireme-Smiler, dual-code sportswoman

Honey Hireme-Smiler (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Haua, Waikato-Tainui) is a sporting icon. 

The current captain of the Kiwi Ferns is a dual-code sportswoman with a career that has spanned 18 years and counting. The semi-professional athlete is also a disability sports adviser and sports commentator, smashing stereotypes across the sector. 

Born and raised in Putāruru, Honey invites us back to her whānau homestead to share her story. 

From her childhood days playing every sport the rural town had on offer, to raising her own teenage boys, and, her passion for equality in sports. She also talks about caring for her terminally ill māmā, and the realities of dealing with grief. 

I’m really passionate about empowering young girls to speak for themselves. You know, stand up!

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