Donna Kerridge (Ngāti Tahinga, Ngāti Mahuta) is a tohunga of Rongoā Māori, although she doesn’t describe herself as that. The humble practitioner, tutor and advocate is passionate about Indigenous practices that focus on healing and restoring our people and, our whenua.
Rongoā is a practice she learnt from childhood, growing up in a whānau that would seek their medicine from the bush, and from each other.
In this episode we talk about orangatanga and all that entails. We discuss the Tohunga Suppression Act and today’s laws that still limit our traditional practices. Donna shares some of her top tips for wellness and, tells us the tale of how her second form school teacher, Mrs Kingi, changed her life.
We spend a lot of time trying to be exclusive, instead of trying to be inclusive.
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