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//049 Hana Tuwhare, speech language therapist

Hana Tuwhare (Ngāpuhi) is a community activator and speech language therapist. She works alongside whānau, kaiako, iwi, early education centres and organisations to help create rich oral language environments for our pēpi in the first 1000 days. 

She recognises the links between language, culture and identity, putting a focus on mātauranga Māori through her mahi to support young tamariki to thrive as thinkers, learners and readers who, are also grounded in who they are. 

In this episode we talk about the importance of talk and oral language for our babies, we get tips for teaching and learning at home and Hana shares with us her experience touring with a big top travelling circus.

Our mātauranga is so beautiful and when you can share some that with other people and it inspires whānau and helps yourself and others to see themselves in a different way and think ‘oh, these pūrākau that we know or these stories that we carry, carry so much beauty’ and sharing that with our pēpi helps to see themselves in a perspective of strength. 

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