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//060 Kura Paul-Burke, marine ecologist + scientific diver

Kura Paul-Burke (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Whakahemo) is a Māori marine ecologist, scientific diver and trans-disciplinary researcher with extensive pragmatic knowledge combining mātauranga Māori and Western science to assist co-developed kaitiakitanga. 

As well as her role as an associate professor for Mātai Moana with the University of Waikato she works with rangatahi to teach freediving and has spent much time dedicated to the restoration of mussel beds in Ōhiwa harbour. 

In this episode we talk about the importance of our moana environments. We discuss the benefits of combining matauranga Māori with Western science and, we learn that although Kura spends much of her time underwater, this wahine is not the greatest swimmer. 

My hope is that as wāhine mā and tangata whenua, we will not only reclaim and reshape the way we view, interact and care for our taiao and moana, but that we lead the way in how we do that. 

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