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//063 Stacey Morrison, veteren broadcaster and te reo Māori champion

Most of us know NUKU //063 through her extensive career on our screens and airwaves. Stacey Morrison (Ngāi Tahu, Te Arawa) is a māmā, writer, facilitator and tutor. She is a veteran broadcaster, television host and consultant. She is also a passionate champion of te reo Māori and is an ambassador for the breast cancer foundation. 

While Stacey has raised her three babies with te reo Māori as their first language, she herself did not learn adulthood. It was in fact, her third language. 

In this episode we hear personal stories of her upbringing and losing her māmā to breast cancer at a young age. We talk about language and the ways we can incorporate te reo into our everyday lives and, we talk about the realities of being an indigenous woman today and honouring our puku.

I want to see us rise in our power and be everything we are meant to be. To unleash the potential, that sometimes has been suppressed.

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