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//066 Dr Ngahuia Murphy, kaupapa Māori researcher recovering ancestral knowledge

Dr Ngahuia Murphy  (Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana, Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rangitihi) is a mana wahine, kaupapa Māori researcher recovering ancestral knowledge that heals and empowers Māori and other Indigenous whānau. 

The author seeks to recover living relationships with our atua wāhine and helps to facilitate that for others through her research, ritual, wananga and dance, as a medium of ceremony. 

In this episode we talk about the divine feminine, about our whare tangata, our menstrual blood and the mana and tapu of wahine. We also talk about how we can recover our own ceremonies for ourselves and our whānau. 

We delve into topics that can feel deep, heavy and tapu, so be conscious of where you are listening to this episode, take care of yourself and take breaks where needed.

The blood ceremonies, ikura, are important, we need to keep recovering these ceremonies. Know that we can release trauma locked up in the whakapapa line through the flow of blood each month.

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