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//091 Erin Matariki Carr, kaitiaki

Matariki, as she prefers to go by (Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tūhoe) is the Co-Lead for RIVER (Revitalising Indigenous Values for Earth’s Regeneration) and Co-Manager for the New Zealand Alternative. She is also Project Manager for Te Kaunoti Hikahika (or E Hika!), a constitutional reformation project rolling out across Aotearoa.

Based in Tāneatua this phenomenal wahine spends her time supporting both people, and planet, to thrive.

In this episode we talk about connecting the global Indigenous community, the whakaaro behind constitutional reformation and why each of her sisters carry the name of our most popular star cluster.

We believe our body sits inside our wairua and thats how we connect with the world around us. 

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